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How to Add More Protein to Your Daily Diet in Just Three Easy Steps

How to Add More Protein to Your Daily Diet in Just Three Easy Steps

Wondering how to eat more protein on a day-to-day basis? Adding protein to your diet can sometimes be easier said than done. Protein is an essential macronutrient, but most people rarely hit their recommended daily goal. The good news is that there are a few easy ways to get protein into your diet! 

The first step is to make sure you’re eating protein with each meal, including dessert. But how do you add more protein to your diet and still enjoy all the foods you love? The trick is to find protein sources that taste great and can be easily introduced into your daily diet.

Looking for foods high in protein? Nutmeg State Nutrition is here to answer the call! Our protein-rich products are not only delicious, but they’re super easy to integrate into your daily diet. Here’s how to increase protein intake in just three easy steps with products from Nutmeg State Nutrition.

How to Hit Protein Macros

Increasing your daily protein intake has several health benefits. It can support weight loss, helps with muscle growth, and improves overall health. Protein also provides your cells with the amino acids they need to multiply and supply your body with energy. Three easy ways to get protein into your diet include:

  • Eating a high-protein breakfast
  • Making protein the focus of every meal
  • Snacking on protein-rich products (like protein bars and shakes)


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and eating a protein-rich meal will help you meet your macro goals. Typical breakfast options (like bagels, toast, and cereals) are low in protein and high in carbohydrates or fat. However, those carbs and sugars burn off quickly, leaving you hungry again much faster. Having a protein-dominant breakfast will not only add more protein to your diet but also will help you feel full for hours after you’ve eaten. 

Some switches you can make for more protein-oriented breakfasts are eggs, Greek yogurt, oatmeal, or protein shakes. Eggs are considered one of the best sources of protein and have the added bonus of versatility – you can cook them in a number of ways! Greek yogurt is recommended as another delicious breakfast choice because it has about twice as much protein as regular yogurt. Adding protein powder to oatmeal is another option.

Protein shakes can also be coupled with breakfast to double your protein intake. At Nutmeg State Nutrition, our protein shakes are available in a variety of flavors. Perfect for those fast-paced, on-the-go mornings, grab a protein shake and a high-protein meal replacement bar to double down on protein and start your day on a high note.

Protein-Focused Meals

When it comes time to sit down for a meal – whether in your home or out at a restaurant – you’re usually hungry and can’t wait to dig into the most delicious-looking part. For most people, the starch and carbs look most appealing when you’re hungry, but it is best to eat the protein before everything else. Consuming protein before starch produces the gut hormone that leaves you feeling full and satisfied. When starches are consumed first, they fill you up quickly and rarely leave room for the protein. If you are feeling full, you might not eat the rest of the meal; thus, you’re not getting that vital serving of protein you need.

For the best results, it’s important to build your meals around a protein like chicken, fish, or beans. Make protein the focus of every meal with fruits, vegetables, fats, and any carbs as “add-ons.” While getting sufficient servings of fruits, vegetables, fats, and carbs is essential, these food groups should come second to protein.

Protein-Rich Snacks

Snacking is a part of everyone’s day. But the best way to snack is with protein-rich products. If you’re struggling to add more protein to your diet, having small, high-protein snacks throughout the day can be an easy remedy. Some options to try can be cheese slices, apple slices with peanut butter, or a protein bar. Protein bars are especially great choices because they pack a punch of protein to help keep you full between meals.

Many people on their weight loss journey miss the salty tang of chips, but the good news is that there are many options for more protein-packed savory snacks that will satisfy the need for crunch! Try our Proti Fit chips for the same flavors you love with the protein boost you need.

Get Real Results With Nutmeg State Nutrition

Boosting your protein intake on your own can be challenging. Thankfully, it’s easy to hit your protein goals with help from Nutmeg State Nutrition. Whether you have a sweet tooth or enjoy savory snacks, we have high-protein options for you! Keep your pantry stocked by subscribing to your favorites and save 15% on your order. 

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