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4 Healthy & Delicious Protein Shake Recipes for Weight Loss

Since protein plays a vital role in your recovery after a vigorous workout, its consumption is necessary for helping you maintain and build your muscles. This means that is highly important for you to manage your the amount of protein you take and the best way you can do this is by taking supplements of protein powders rich in whey. This is because whey protein is known to have a huge impact on those who are just from having a workout. Thus, to get you enjoying your post workout protein consumption, you can try out the recipes below.

Berry breeze smoothie

To eliminate bad taste that come in some protein shakes while maintaining good health, you can incorporate fruits in your smoothie. The berries are usually healthy because of their rich source of antioxidants, adequate fiber content and their numerous varieties of minerals and nutrients. Additionally, they are considered among fruits with a low glycemic index.

Try out the below recipe in your next protein shake:

  • One scoop of protein powder of the flavor you like
  • Two bars of ice cubes
  • One cup of water or milk
  • One cup of mixed berries

Chocolate banana smoothie

Do you love chocolates? What about bananas? Then you will definitely enjoy this awesome combo. This is because bananas are well known for their rich source of potassium, fiber and vitamin C.

  • One single scoop of powdered chocolate protein
  • One single large banana
  • Two bars of ice-cubes
  • 1.5 cups of water or milk

Spiced green tea smoothie

Not only is it recognized for its capacity to provide energy, it is also known for controlling blood sugar levels and reducing of blood pressure. When you combine it with spices such as cinnamon which is known in facilitating the body's metabolism, then you will have the kind smoothie which will get your energy back after a vigorous workout and keep you healthy.

  • One single scoop of protein powder flavor of your choice
  • ¾ cups of chilled green tea
  • 1/8 teaspoon of cinnamon
  • A single teaspoon of honey
  • One single small pear that's been cut into tiny pieces with skin on
  • Two bars of ice cubes
  • One cup of water or milk

Since you will add green tea, it might take slightly longer time period to prepare but it will be well worth the wait once you taste it.

Leafy greens smoothie

Since you are aware that green vegetables are very important for your body's health, you can have a super smoothie by adding them to the protein shake you are preparing.

Although broccoli, kale and lettuce are not recognized for their appealing taste, you can use them like this.

  • 1/2 cup of kale (chopped)
  • 1/2 cup of broccoli (diced)
  • One scoop of powdered vanilla protein
  • 1/2 cup of vanilla Greek yoghurt
  • 1 cup of water or milk

The above recipes will make your protein shake more appetizing and you should feel free to experiment using your own ingredients. Because the recipes can be customized to suit your own taste, you can vary the amount of water or milk to get different textures in addition to changing the other ingredients. So, go ahead and try the above protein shakes after having your workout and tantalize your taste glands!

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