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How Does The HCG Diet Work?

During pregnancy, a growth hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is produced in the placenta. In recent times, this growth hormone has a gained a cult following as a kind of miracle weight loss drug that can be administered intravenously by injection or orally through drops. People who follow the HCG diet often stick to a 500-calorie diet along with their daily intake of the HCG hormone, and the result – immediate weight loss.

Some doctors have theorized that the consumption of HCG convinces the individual\'s body to think that there is a growing embryo inside. As a result, your body wants the embryo to have the ability to protect itself. Hence, the body will quickly metabolize both calories and stored fat into energy for the "embryo" to use. Let\'s take an in-depth look at what this diet can do for you.

What can the HCG diet do?

It is believed that hormonal imbalances may be the cause of obesity and HCG is used to balance out the hormone levels within your body. It can also boost the immune system by aiding in the production of more quality white blood cells. White blood cells are needed to heal wounds at a faster rate as well as combat illnesses.

The HCG hormone can help maintain your muscle mass without actually touching your muscles. Instead, the hormone focuses on the fats and calories you want to get rid of. As HCG helps to convert calories and stored fat into useful energy, it can lower your blood pressure and cholesterol level. In addition, the hormone promotes high metabolism which is essential in weight loss.

There are three main phases in a HCG diet and we will be labeling them with "days" so that it is easier to understand. These phases include:

The loading days

The loading days in a HCG diet typically last for three days and it is designed to prepare your body to function normally on a low-calorie diet. Surprisingly, you can still consume large amounts of food that is loaded with fat. If you follow the instructions to improve your fat stores during this phase, you will less likely suffer from headaches and hunger pains that usually come with such diets. This phase is also the time to begin your HCG injections.

The maintenance days

This particular phase can last up to forty-five days and as little as twenty-one days. However, the exact duration will depend on the dieter and her needs. During the maintenance days, the dieter should not waver from the diet guidelines and the HCG drops has to be taken on schedule. The dieter is allowed to eat fruits, vegetables, seafood, fowl and meat without exceeding the recommended 500 calories intake per day. The diet could be like this: 30% "good" fats, 30% protein as well as 40% fruit and vegetables. On the last three days of this phase, the HCG injections should have ceased.

The stabilization days

This phase will last up to one or two weeks and it involves the dieter increasing their daily calorie intake to no more than 1,500. This means eating four servings of protein, three servings of fruit, four servings of vegetables and two servings of fat. However, starchy vegetables are to be avoided.

Before you begin this type of diet, it is pertinent that you consult with an expert first and ensure that the HCG diet is tailored to your specific needs.

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